Clarity on where to focus your improvement activity!

The Process Improvement Healthcheck gives you clarity on where to focus process improvement activity.

I will assess your process against your goals and industry best practice and create a plan which breaks down the improvement activity into simple manageable chunks, and identify where you can:

  • Save money
  • Save time
  • Improve Quality

Helping you to:

  • Increase profits
  • Improve productivity
  • Improve reputation
  • Delight your customers
  • Empower your team and build a culture for improvement
  • Get on with delivering whatever you need to deliver without constant interruptions
  • Eliminate those issues that give you the most trouble

Identify and prioritise the Improvement Activity that will deliver the most value!

Do you have a particular process that suffers from performance issues, you may be experiencing high rework, scrap, returns or complaints? There will also hidden costs, through longer cycle times, productivity loss, low morale, lost sales, excess inventory and overtime.

The Process Healthcheck will cut through the noise and give you clarity on where to focus. I work closely with you to understand your business’s individual needs. This enables us identify, prioritise and plan the improvement activity that will deliver you the most value.

You will receive

  • 2-hour consultation prior to workshop
  • 1-day Healthcheck assessment
  • A full report and improvement plan containing
    • Recommended improvement areas of focus
    • Prioritised Improvement Schedule
    • Guidance on how to implement improvement activity
    • Recommended employee engagement training
    • Goals- financial savings, time savings and improved quality performance
    • Other Business Benefits- customer satisfaction, staff morale, productivity
  • 2-hour follow-up session to check for success, sustainability and measure benefits

If you are interested or need a bit more information, Contact me. I will be more than happy to help!


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